Great Falls is a small rural community with approximately 1900 people. It has a single red light, hardware store, grocery store, pharmacy, Dollar General, Family Dollar and 4 restaurants, 4 convenient stores and 2 liquor stores. We also have our own schools from kindergarten to high school and more churches than you can shake a stick at! From all the churches you would generally get the impression that this was a good Christian community, but a church or church goer doesn’t make a good community or person if they don’t live by and apply the teachings of their sacred scriptures and deity.

Great Falls is surrounded by water, no matter the direction you go, you will be able to access a river, creek or pond. The natural beauty that surrounds this little town is amazing. There are an abundance of wildlife ranging from unique insects, mammals, reptiles and birds. The natural beauty outshines the people.

Great Falls is a bird sanctuary, which means you cannot harm or kill any wild bird in the town. Every year the News & Reporter usually has to do a story about vultures being birds and not allowed to be harmed because they come out in full force to do their jobs; to clean up nature’s deaths, usually caused by humans.

Much of Great Falls, especially on the main road into town and through downtown is not a pretty sight. Many of the building owners do absolutely nothing to the delapitated buildings and the town never forces them to fix them up or tear them down due to the fact, that like with all of humanity, those with money have privileges that those without do not have.

This site is not an official site of the government, it is operated by a private individual not employed by the town, nor do they necessarily agree with the politics of this town. This site was created out of a desire to share a non-economic view of the town, its people, its government; to provide truth behind the desire to generate financial gain through eco tourism. While I believe the natural landscaping of this area has much to give to eco- friendly people and tourist, I also believe that this community needs to grow emotionally, mentally into a more accepting capacity of diversity of all kinds. They must be willing to accept people as they are and address the problems within this community head on, such as the drugs, the thieving, dog fighting and animal cruelty. Our town council must be willing to hire police chiefs and officers that are not of the criminal element and bullies, which makes these situations worse. Until these issues are properly addressed, Great Falls will not be able to grow and be what it can and should be. There are some good people here, but they are out numbered by the bad and I hope this site changes that for the better. My desire is not to harm, but to bring light to the darkness and rid us of all this unnecessary drama.